Paige Minear
The Pink Clutch was born in 2007 out of a desire to connect to my creative side as a stay at home mother of three. Our middle child was born with special needs and no one we knew really walked the same path we were. In many ways my special child and the path we walked left me feeling very different and alone. The world of blogging had just begun and I was intrigued by the online journal I would be creating with my posts. Over the last ten years the blog and I have changed and grown but the desire has remained the same. I write to inspire myself and in the process hope to inspire others to learn something new, live life with joy, travel, entertain, take chances in their homes and personal lives, and to life live full of color. And just like every other human my life is filled with challenges and I hope to share them when I can with the hope that someone else walking the same path will never feel alone.